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Monthly Website Maintenance
Most website issues arise when a website hasn’t been checked. I'm talking outdated content, or worse…responsive breakdowns.

Buying a Domain Through Wix
Dude, those free branded domains are not going to cut it. I'll be blunt... it looks unprofessional. Like really really.

How to Promote Your Website Launch
Check out this list for some easy things you can do to promote your website launch!

Stop Procrastinating and Launch Your Website
It might seem impossible... until it’s done. Here are 4 ways to stop procrastinating and get your website launched

6 Ways to Make Your Wix Site Standout
One of my goals in each website design is to make it visually appealing. This means it is interactive and effective at the same time.

What You Shouldn't Ask on a Contact Form
Wondering what questions to put on your website's main contact form? Here's my list
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