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How to Promote Your Website Launch

Getting your website launched, has to be one of the most fulfilling and exciting moments as an online small business owner! It’s a big milestone! It gives you a sense of being legitimate. So let’s celebrate, right?! Check out this list for some easy things you can do to promote your website launch!

Create a Coming Soon page

You can setup a landing page or a “coming soon” page while your site is "under construction." This will give you the opportunity to share what’s in the works, along with a way for people to contact you or even better, grab your freebie.

A coming soon page would typically include a large background image, your logo, brief text, and adding an opt-in signup or a contact button!

Countdown on Social Media

Create a countdown to your website launch on social media to hype up the big day!

You can easily create a countdown in Instagram. This way your followers can set a reminder for the big day. They can also share the reminder to their followers.

You can also design a daily countdown graphic in Canva and each day you could even show sneak peeks which I’ll mention next. Countdowns are great for reminding your audience that something exciting is happening in your business and they of course build anticipation!

Show sneaks peeks and behind the scenes

Everyone loves seeing behind the scenes types of content, right? Share bits and pieces of your new website! Share some of the new offerings that might be coming along with it such as a course, a freebie or a new service offering!

This helps build anticipation and engagement around your launch which could mean an increase in signups or sales the day it goes live!

Promote your opt-in or a waitlist

As a build-up to your launch, promote your freebie signup on your “coming soon” page to let people know to grab your free guide and make sure to add that they’ll be sent an email as soon as your new website is live.

Launch mid-week

Do not launch your fancy new website on a Monday, Friday or the weekend. People are too busy on Monday, too checked out on Friday, and trying to avoid their phones more on the weekend. Launching your website on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday is bound to get more attention!

Blog about the process

A great way to draw attention to your new website launch is to share about the process!

People love to hear success stories and how they can learn from your experience. Transformations make people excited and your audience wants to be a part of yours!

Host a giveaway

What better way to celebrate with your audience than by offering them a fun giveaway! You could either give away one of your products or offerings, or if you don’t have something that works like that, you could give away something that relates to your business in some way.

Hosting the giveaway on Instagram is a great way to encourage people to share with others and to tag friends. I recommend sending out an email announcing the giveaway and directing people where they can enter as well.

Hopefully you got some fun ideas for how to promote your website launch! If you are using one of my templates, I’d love to share in the celebration so let me know when the time is here and I’ll make sure to share your new website along with you!


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