Whether you've been doing the #30dayreelschallenge (I have!) or just exploring Instagram's newest feature, we've all noticed the gradient background when you share your reels to your stories.
You spend a lot of time cultivating your content for stories.... and then boom.... boring background when you share your reel.
That's why I'm so excited to get these templates into your hands, so you can start easily curating a reels feed that makes your brand shine.
Here's all you need to do to bypass that dreaded gradient frame:
1. Click the button below to head on over to the shop and purchase your templates.
2. Customize them to match your beautiful visuals and save to your phone.
3. Upload to your latest video!
AND there's 2 kinds of templates

Ready to take your reels to the next level? Get yours now!
Note: To be able to use the 3 frames, you'll need Canva Pro so you can export with a transparent background.
Any questions? I'm here! Just leave them in the comments below.